The inner city Melbourne suburbs of St Kilda, Canterbury, Camberwell East, Frankston, Karingal, Toorak, Hawksburn and South Yarra all feature in the Top 10 list of postcode areas of Insight Data Co-Operative Charity Giving Analysis.
The postcode area 3004 for Melbourne & St Kilda has the highest average total charitable gift value of $9,174.98 per household. This is followed by postcode area 3000 for Melbourne and 3126 for Canterbury and Camberwell East with a total average gift value per household of $5,763.90 and $2,054.90 respectively.
The table shows the Top 40 Charity Giving Postcodes in Australia.
This Charity Giving Analysis is based upon the donation history provided by 63 of Australia’s leading charities, which contribute their supporter data into the Insight Data Co-op database. These organisations have enabled us to build a charity specific data pool that encompasses over 20 million unique donations with a total charitable gift value in excess of $904 million.
It is important to note the analysis is based upon the transactional information of individual consumers who have provided a preferred mailing address. Some mailing addresses will comprise of a business premises, which as a result is likely to affect the total average gift value per household for a particular postcode area. For example postcodes 3004 & 3000 both have many businesses that will invariably make these postcodes look more generous than they actually are.
This analysis therefore illustrates that the Insight Data Co-op contains a wealth of charity giving insights across both businesses and residential postal addresses.